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Irrigation spans
Hands up....Have you done your pre-season maintenance...?

ChecklistSpring has sprung and with its arrival brings a timely reminder that a pre-irrigation season check up is needed for your operational system!

Turning on the pivot with your fingers crossed and holding your breath that everything just works is a potential recipe for disaster! Off season checks and maintenance will lead to better performance of your irrigation system helping you to minimise downtime and maximise efficiency!

So, what exactly should you be doing during your pre-season irrigation check up? Here are 10 things on our 'must check' list!

Perform a thorough visual inspection, looking and listening for signs of damage, missing parts, and general wear and tear of the following

Pivot Point – pay particular attention for signs of stress, missing components, presence of the grounding wire.

Tower Box and Structure – check linkages are working and not seized. Inspect for ants, spiders

Motor and Gear Boxes – look for water in the oil, check oil levels, drive line couplings, drive tube corrosion, drain condensate out th bottom of the gear box.
Sprinklers – pay particular attention to debris that may have collected in the sprinkler heads which can cause uneven and wasted water distribution.

Wheels and tyres – checking for loose bolts and cracks or damage of tyres

Stop barricade - check if applicable

Pivot Operation –start the pivot and check it walks in both forward and reverse paying attention that it walks straight, any deviation should be adjusted. Walk along the length of the machine and listen carefully for any sounds of worn bearings. Check the safely circuit on every tower box.

Pump Performance – attention should be dedicated to checking over your pump station.If needed, lubricate your pump before starting. Flow rates should be checked against and match your sprinkler chart.

Turn on the water - walk the length of your pivot checking each sprinkler individually.

Flow rate – it is important to check the flow rate of the water meter at the centre point which should match your sprinkler chart
Irrigation pivot

It is important that repairs are carried out before you commence your irrigation program to ensure you have a correct and accurate application of water. Uneven and wasted water application can affect not only your crop yield but can greatly increase the cost of running your irrigator. 

This list may appear overwhelming, especially when there are so many other jobs that need completing! If you are time poor and don't have adequate time to dedicate to completing your pre season check yourself then don't just turn it on and hope for the best, give us a call! We would be happy to come and give your system the once over and make sure that every drop counts this irrigation season!

Based in Newton & Bordertown, South Australia.
Servicing Adelaide and all regional areas, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.